Jennifer Clement Kelley Jennifer Clement Kelley

Eco-friendly fashion picks

It is a well-known fact that the fashion industry has a deplorable history in sustainability.  However, among the myriad brands out there, many have gotten busy making past wrongs right.

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Jennifer Clement Kelley Jennifer Clement Kelley

A case for critical environmental theory in environmental policy

Critical theory is the study of oppression and domination and how to eliminate both by the creation of policies for the good of the whole. For environmental issues the lens stands on the truth that there is a connected integrated interdependent existence of all living things.

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Jennifer Clement Kelley Jennifer Clement Kelley


We adopted Maia in 2015 from an animal shelter. She had been rescued from a backyard breeder. At the time we found her, she was in the process of healing from the abuse she’d suffered. Despite all of that, she was full of love and life …

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Jennifer Clement Kelley Jennifer Clement Kelley

A Tiger Tale

Our company’s name is dedicated to a cat named Tiger (featured image). I first met him in the late 1990s when I was living in Brooklyn, NY. . It was sometime in the early fall, and I was walking home from picking my then elementary school-aged daughter at school….

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