Florida’s Wildlife Corridor protections just go better …

I’m taking my own advice today, which is to be fair-minded and purple in my politics. I admit, sometimes that is difficult! However, giving credit where it is due to whoever (from whatever political party) is making a positive impact on our environment is more important. Today I read about new environmental conservation easements in Florida and am reminded that conservationists come in all shapes and sizes, and political parties.

There is much in our political worlds to be corrected and many things going wrong. Our national and local news seems only to cover political conflict and the lack of conflict resolution - beyond what one may find on an elementary school playground. There are, however, if you look hard enough, conservation nonprofits, communities, state, and local governments actually doing the business of environmental resource management and protections with some notable successes. 

One such success occurred in Florida this week when Governor DeSantis and the Florida Cabinet approved a $103 million investment in Florida’s Wildlife Corridor and the Avalon Florida Forever Project. 

The investment, namely through conservation easements of over 40,000 acres, will conserve and expand and provide habitat and protections. These protections include vegetation and wildlife such as the Florida Panther, Florida Black Bear, yellow fringed orchid, Florida Sandhill Crane, wood stork, as well as the hydrological and environmental health of the Everglades ecosystem. 

What the governor and the Florida cabinet did this week assures that the health and well-being of Florida’s great many natural resources will remain intact and even improve for generations to come.

The governor and Florida cabinet also approved land conservation easements of over 18,000 agricultural acreages for Florida farmers and ranchers within the Florida Wildlife Corridor.  Ranching and farming are deeply imbedded in the culture of Florida and preserving this way of life through expanded conservation easements will enhance and assure not only their prosperity and security but the continuity of a time honored tradition of agriculture in Florida. 

Governor DeSantis said the move to protect these <40,000 acres throughout Florida will, “forever benefit water quality, wildlife habitat, and corridor linkages and it will support Florida’s tourism and family agriculture sectors for generations to come.”

I couldn’t agree more.

Learn more:

The Path of the Panthers - book and award wining movie (currently playing on Hulu and Disney+) by National Geographic photographer Carlton Ward

Florida Wildlife Corridor

Governor DeSantis’ statement


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