Restoration and Renewal

Sustainable practices can be achieved on global, national, local, and personal levels. We strive to get the word out on what the average person can do. We are here to provide information and to show through example how such practices can make a difference. We believe small changes can add up to make impactful differences to the health of our environment.

In 2021, we restored a garden and implemented regenerative gardening practices. Much of it was trial and error and a lot of research but we succeeded in not only creating a great garden but also restored a hillside in the process. We reduced local flooding and provided a safe place for forest animals and migrating birds and butterflies.

This year, we have restored (are in the process of) an abandoned garden and property that was inundated with invasive species. We are busy growing squash, cucumbers, potatoes, and tomatoes. The garden also now has a flower section with native species.

2022 garden and property restoration photos (updated May 30)….