Inspiration and Creativity


At Tiger Hill Nature Sanctuary, we want to help people be, get, and stay connected to nature.  One way we are doing so is by offering forest immersion guided walks from our resident Certified Forest Therapy Guide. 

Forest immersion walks are simply a time for guests to focus on the present and be with nature if they so choose.  What guests get out of it is as varied as the people participating.  Some gain a greater connection and understanding of their belonging to and within nature, some find the connection a conduit to creative expression, others simply appreciate the time to relax, destress, and breath in fresh air, while others enjoy the outdoor experience and stepping out of the everyday for a few hours. 

Look for our new page on forest immersion in early 2023, it will have detailed information on the history of forest immersions walks, what they are all about, and how to make a reservation!


Tiger Hill’s website features ongoing creative and informative conservation writing and photography from our very own Tiger Hill family.

We also invite and encourage guest writers, artists, and bloggers who specialize in subject matter within the wider scope of conservation and nature.  In fact, we were happy to host our first guest writer, Lauren Clement, a native of Pittsburgh now living in New Orleans. A graduate of Tulane University, she specializes in reviews on wellness through nature and conservation efforts in the Mississippi River Delta Basin.

There will be lots more to come as we expand and grow, so please stay tuned!


Back to the forest

to moss covered velvet

rock and stone,

to estuary and stream,

towering oak and pine.


Beyond city and town,

road and highway,

to a path in the woods.


Quiet solitude,

mind at rest.

— Jen Kelley, 2021